Nutrient Dense seasoning No1.

So here is what I know:
> Organ Meat is full of readily available nutrients.
> It’s hard to get my kids to eat organ meat

One way I sneak liver into my kids meals is grinding it with beef to make burgers, meatballs and sausages. Then, I came across a company in the US called ‘Pluck‘. They make and sell dehydrated organ meat seasoning. At the same time, it seems like a new trend of spice mixes is emerging into the world of Instagram, with some new and interesting flavour combinations.
I have a food dehydrator.
I have lots of herbs and spices I want to use.
Why not have a go?!

Things I’ve learnt along the way:
1. Kidney has a very strong and prominent offal flavour and small. Use it sparingly.
2. Make sure your meat is completely dehydrated before grinding.
3. Fat left on the organs gives a fantastic umami flavour
4. The grinding process takes time. Be patient, stop, mix and start again, until you get and even grind.

I’ve made two spice mixes so far. Here is recipe No.1:

Peppery and Nutrient Dense Spice mix

150g dehydrated, preferably grass fed, organ meat (I used a mix of liver and kidney)
50g Maldon salt
20g Himalayan salt
10g black pepper
7g coriander seed
10g oregano
3tsp mustard powder

1. Dehydrate your organ meat until it is dry enough to snap in to small pieces. I find that slicing the organ meat thinly makes everything easier.
2. Once the meat is ready, break it into small shards and place it with all the herbs and spices into a strong blender bowl that is made for grinding dry ingredients (I use a Vitamix). Add the rest of the herbs and spices.
3. Gradually and carefully blend the ingredients, while stopping every 20-30 seconds and using a thin utensil (like a chopstick) to mix the powder around and ensure an even blend. Make sure to not overheat the powder in the process.
4. Once the mix has blended into an even, cores powder, leave it to cool completely from the heat created during the grinding process and then store it in a spice shaker and the rest in an airtight container.

One thought on “Nutrient Dense seasoning No1.

  1. Pingback: Nutrient Dense seasoning No2. | My gutsy kitchen

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